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Christain Pulisic: The Future of American Soccer Marketing

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Source: NGSC Sports

Christian Pulisic is starting to become a household sports name in the United States.  Of course, he isn’t on the level of a Lebron James or Tom Brady, but the United States has needed a new face in the football world for some time now.  The 20 year-old Hershey native is transforming into the player that American’s have hoped for, especially with his most recent transfer from Borussia Dortmund to Chelsea for $75 million dollars.  As Pulisic finds the limelight, various companies have started to endorse him to try and bridge the gap between the United States and European football.  Currently, Pulisic’s main sponsorships come from Nike, Gatorade, Panini, and most recently Hershey’s.  The various companies have had a lot of success tapping into the United States soccer market with the help of Pulisic.  The Fifa World Cup has been confirmed for North America in 2026, adding a lot of value to Pulisic’s current endorsement deals.  The World Cup is one of the largest markets so it should be interesting to see what other companies sign Pulisic to an endorsement deal with his recent Chelsea transfer and the 2026 North America World Cup.  What companies do you guys think Pulisic should partner with?



  1. I can't say I know exactly who he should partner with - but this is great to hear from an American's perspective. I feel as if we are sometimes outsiders looking in in terms of the soccer world - but maybe Pulisic will take us to the level we need to be. I think it is cool that he is from Hershey and he is sponsored by Hershey's! Haha!

    -Andrew Ingber

    1. I think that's the coolest part too and so far Hershey's has had a ton of success utilizing how recognizable he is. It should be interesting to see if Hershey's develops their marketing with him in Europe to try and receive a larger amount of business over here.

  2. I too am not sure which company he should sign with, but if it is an option in the upcoming I think it would be beneficial to maybe be sponsorded by a more European brand in order to enter the European market more and have more exposure. Having Christian Pulisic play in European football is going to impact exponential change in the world soccer in the states.

    1. I agree, I think that Pulisic's presence in the soccer world is coming at the perfect time for the United States. In a few years when the World Cup comes to North America, it should be interesting to see the recognition Pulisic gets on the world stage since he's American, playing for the US, but well known throughout Europe.

  3. Liverpool's Mo Salah Could Be the Next Endorsement King
    Great Post! That’s an unreal amount of money that he is making 200,000 pounds per week. I know Mo Salah is an unbelievable futbol player, but I didn’t know anything about his endorsements. I think at only the age of 25 he could be a very good investment for companies who went to an endorse him since he is well known and on a great team. I think he has a very high ceiling for future endorsements and advertising. I also believe since he is from Egypt they can really tackle that area that I assume has been untouched since he is probably the best Egyptian player ever. I think there will definitely be a change in Egyptian athletes to soccer since for a little kids growing up they look up to him, and want to be like him one day.
    (It won't let me access the article on Mo Salah, so this post is for that)

    1. Hey Cole! It's so crazy to think that athletes nowadays make more money from endorsements than from playing. It really shows just how commercialized sports have become. I think the patterns of popularity of football starts in places with large economic opportunity, so as long as Egypt shows potential profit, I have no double sponsors start pushing Mo Salah even more.

  4. It is very interesting how many many companies are sponsoring Pulisic. I think it is a smart move by all of these companies since he is an up and coming player. If Pulisic was to partner with someone else I think it should be an American company that is trying to break into the European market. He is becoming more and more popular in Europe and it would be an efficient way for an American company to get their brand out there.

    Lindsay Reynolds

    1. Totally agree, Lindsay. I think an American company would be the best move because they obviously connect the best with the American people, which is what Pulisic needs in order to make extreme profit.

  5. I’m not really sure what kind of companies would endorse Pulisic but I think it would be best if it was a company that had a large market share in both North America and Europe. In terms of “bridging the gap,” I think that a large company that both North America and Europe feel connected to would be smartest.
    - Gaby

    1. Hey Gaby! I think a huge issue with American just not investing in football (or as we call soccer) has to do with the fact that we don't have this giant American face to get behind...I truly think that man for American could be Pulisic. Thanks!

  6. I have to agree that as time goes on Pulisic seems to continue to make more of a name for himself. Having such a successful career at Dortmund he really is starting to become known pretty much throughout the world, as most of Europe knows his name as well. In terms of who should sponsor him I can't quite say, I find it so cool that his hometown Hershey has decided to sponsor him and I think American companies looking to make a come up on the market just like Pulisic is doing in the league would be a great fit.

    -Mike Hirschmann

    1. Hey Mike! Isn't it so weird how Pulisic has a larger name for himself in Europe rather than in his home country? I hope that when he plays for the national team he gets more American fans and therefore generates more interest by Americans in international football. Thanks for the comment!

  7. I am not sure about the exact specific companies that he should sign with but I remember having a conversation in class about the world cup sponsors and how there are sort of different categories of sponsors. So, he already has sportswear and food/drink covered, he should explore different areas. For example, a car company, a bank, a beer company, maybe an insurance company? I think this is a very interesting post. It is pretty impeccable timing that a new face to soccer is finally rising for the USA as they are also just announcing that they will be hosting the world cup. Looks like its going nowhere but up for Pulisic. - Darby

  8. Pulisic is the pride of American soccer as he is the biggest name that we have in the European Premier League. His breakout year for Borussia Dortmund was enough for Chelsea to take a chance on him and buy out his contract. I think this is a great move although many think it will stunt his development as a young player.

    -Dean Miller


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